a man is not dead while his name is still spoken

It is tremendously moving, how wonderfully the Net reacts to the death of Sir Terry Pratchett who made such a huge impact not only to fantasy literature as such but to the way all things can be seen (maybe: should be seen).

One of the most eternal of initiatives is “GNU Terry Pratchett” (made it even to BBC Technology News) where GNU stands for:

  • G: pass the message on
  • N: do not log the message
  • U: turn the message around at the end of the line and send it back

derived from Pratchett’s “Going Postal” where the murdered clacks operator John Dearheart is GNU-ed as of the conviction that “a man is not dead while his name is still spoken”.

The initiative suggests to add an “x-clacks-overhead” message to the http header of a site or web server. Simply spoken: Add a meta-tag to your http header – a variable which gets transmitted through the net within the site’s header information – unseen but there – eternally.

I added it to my sites.

If you wanna participate but avoid browsing the net for further explanation – here’s the shortcut:

  1. Multiple code snippets and links to plugins for introducing the x-clacks-overhead message (plain html, apache, nginx, wordpress, etc.): http://www.gnuterrypratchett.com/
  2. Plugin for Google Chrome to display an icon when a site has the overhead message set (easy to install directly from Chrome store): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clacks-overhead/lnndfmobdoobjfcalkmfojmanbeoegab

And there we go -> www.smile-IT.at (took me longer to write this post than to introduce the message 😉 – DEATH won’t have him!)


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